Putting Patients First for 30 Years

Double Board-Certified Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor

Dr. Michael Freedman is a board-certified ear nose and throat and facial plastic surgeon.  He has been in practice for nearly 30 years, providing high quality care to pediatric, adult, and senior patients.  He has dedicated himself to identifying the cause of a patient’s issue and then offers appropriate therapy.  He prefers the most conservative options first and surgery is only recommended when medical therapy is inadequate.  

Dr. Freedman has extensive training and expertise with the latest advanced procedures performing them with the most precise technological advances including real time navigation within the sinuses. This allows him to perform the safest procedure and provides the best possible care and results for his patients. He was one of the first surgeons to adopt the minimally invasive balloon sinus dilatation procedure for sinusitis. He has performed this procedure for over 15 years, helping his patients feel better and improve the quality of their lives.

Explore Our Services

Freedman ENT prides itself on offering its patients extensive access to multiple services and diagnostic testing. Whether with medical management or an elective procedure, there’s an excellent chance that Freedman ENT will be able to make the proper diagnosis and render the appropriate treatment to help you feel better.

Sinus & Nasal Conditions

Improve the Way You Feel

Balloon Sinus Dilation

Minimally Invasive Techniques

Nasal Stuffiness Relief

Vivaer Procedure

Rhinaer Procedure

Specialized Services


Manage Your Body’s Reaction

Hearing & Balance

Improve Your Senses

Throat Conditions

Speech Therapy Diagnostic

Snoring & Sleep Disorders

Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Video Insights from Dr. Michael Freedman

Sinus & Nasal Conditions

Eustachian Tube Congestion

Nasal Stuffiness

Excessive Runny Nose